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Donations will go towards a medical mission to Ecuador in 2018 to supply the Indigenous amazonian tribe known as the "Siekopai" aka "Secoya" (Translated as Gods Multicolored People) with Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine oriented care. We are trying to raise enough money to purchase the necessary Chinese herbal formulas, and medical supplies to bring down to treat individuals in chronic pain, and also many of whom are afflicted with kidney disorders. 


Remaining funds will be donated to help build an Ancestral Lodge which will serve to educate Secoya Youth. Because of western colonization, many of the younger generations have rejected the traditional cultural wisdoms of their elders and cultural heritage, instead, opting for and valuing westernized materialism over sacred cultural knowledge . Because the Secoya are under 800 in total population and fewer and fewer of the younger generations are choosing to embrace the cultural gifts of tradition, The Siekopai culture is at risk of extinction. 


The intention of the construction of the Ancestral Lodge is to provide Secoya youth with the opportunity to rediscover and learn in their traditional context, preserving the likelihood of the survival of the beauty of their traditions. These traditions include basket weaving, clay pottery making, arts and crafts of painting and beading and jewelry making, and the medicinal knowledge of their spiritual foundation derived from the yagé plant medicine traditions of the rain forest.


In addition, this will GREATLY increase the chances of rerouting a road which is being built next to sacred ceremonial grounds and Secoya homeland, through providing the Ecuadorian government with a cultural, religious, and spiritual reasons as to the absolute necessity of rerouting the road.


Your contributions are Greatly Appreciated and every little bit helps. 


-Read about the Siekopai HERE

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