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Orthopedic Sports Medicine Acupuncture

Orthopedic Sports acupuncture focuses on relieving pain from various strains and injuries, and musculoskeletal misalignments that may be acute, chronic, or have a medical history of surgical intervention. Various styles of acupuncture and theoretical schools of thought are applied based on the nature of the condition being treated.  


Needles may inserted upon distal areas such as the hands and feet and often not even in the location of pain such as done in Master Tung Style Acupuncture to immediately increase the range of motion, and decrease pain. It is a very quick, and effective way to treat pain while minimizing the number of needles.


Channel Theory Acupuncture: Needles may be inserted starting distally at the end of the channel which the pain has been identified upon needling an exit point (point to clear the channel of stagnation, a point more proximal which invigorates blood, and lastly, locally in the area of pain and/or along “Ashi” points (tender areas upon palpation) to allow stagnant blood and qi to flow correctly.


Frequency of Treatments Necessary: Depending on the severity, nature, and progression of injury, treatment frequency may drastically vary. For example, I was able to treat plantar fasciitis and achieve 100 percent pain relief with no return of pain in one treatment, whereas some people who have chronic injuries may need to come weekly in order to prevent progression of pain.  Almost always there is a significant reduction in pain and increase in flexibility and motion. Each treatment is cumulative building off the previous one and optimal results for chronic or severe injuries are achieved with regular acupuncture ideally once a week or more, resulting in longer lasting pain relief each time. If pain is severe it is encouraged to come more often in the beginning until pain is manageable and length of relief increases before cutting down to less frequent sessions.


Modalities Utilized:


Electric Stimulation Acupuncture:

Clips are attached to the needles with wires that connect to an electric stimulation machine, sending a fine micro-current to stimulate muscle contraction and relieve stagnation and weakness within the area of injury.


Herbal liniments, Balms, and Essential Oils:

Various combinations of herbal liniments, balms and essential oils are used to promote blood flow to the region and supply analgesic (pain relieving) effects through relaxing muscles, and promoting circulation.



The burning of the herb “Mugwort” over acupuncture points with or without needles to promote blood flow and circulation.



Using either plastic or glass cups to create a suction over the skin and pull out stagnant blood that is creating inflammation and pain.


Bleeding Techniques:

Bleeding of various acupuncture points usually at the end of the channel known as (“Jing Well Points”) to allow stagnant blood to flow out of the channel.


Infrared Heat Lamp:

Infrared heat lamps are often combined with herbal liniments, balms and essential oils to further relieve pain, and promote blood flow to the region.


Conditions and Areas of the Body Treated:


Heel Pain:

  • Achilles Tendonitis

  • Plantar Fasciitis


Foot Pain:

  • Pain of the first Meta Tarsal Joint (The Big Toe)

  • Metatarsal Neuroma (Morton’s Neuroma)


Leg Pain:

  • Shin Splints

  • Sciatica


Anterior Knee Pain:

  • Patello-Femoral Joint Dysfunction

  • Patellar Tendonitis


Medial Knee Pain:

  • Medial Collateral Ligament or Medial Meniscus Pain

  • Degenerative Arthritis of the Medial Compartment of the Knee


Lateral Knee Pain:

  • Ilio-tibial Band Syndrome


Posterior Thigh Pain:

  • Ham String Muscle Pain


Hip Pain:

  • Trochanteric Bursitis of the Hip

  • Arthritis of the Hip

  • PSEUDO Sciatica Piriformis syndrome


Lower Back Pain:

  • Quadratus Lumborum Pain

  • Slipped Discs

  • Degenerative discs, bulging discs, compressed discs


Hand Pain:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Arthritis


Elbow Pain:

  • Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

  • Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow. Climbers Elbow)


Shoulder Pain:

  • Supraspinatus Muscle Pain

  • Infraspinatus Muscle Pain

  • Acromial-Clavicular Joint Pain

  • Rotator Cuff Pain

  • Biceps Muscle Pain

  • Frozen Shoulder


Neck Pain:

  • Levator Scapulae Muscle Pain

  • Neuropathy: (Numbness and Tingling)

  • Compressed or Damaged Nerves

  • Disc damage or misalignment

  • TOS: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome


Neuropathy: (Numbness and Tingling)

  • Compressed or Damaged Nerves

Sacred Silence Acupuncture

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