Sacred Silence Acupuncture
Sacred Silence Acupuncture
Earth School Acupuncture
A Synopsis of The Earth School
The Earth School was developed by LiDong-Yuan (aka LiGao) from a tradition in Chinese Medicine called Bu Tu Pai, Tonify Earth System
Li Dong-Yuan started studying medicine to help his very ill mother and a Confucian doctor who helped him in his quest, who was also very sick
Li Dong-Yuan was taught by Zhang Yuan Su after paying him a lot of money
This teacher, although talented, never gained any fame since he did not write down his knowledge
In his studies, LiDong-Yuan came to see that all disease is due to pathology of Post-Natal Qi, the source of which is the Spleen and Stomach
He advocated that what eventually hurts the Stomach is Fire
This Fire isn’t necessarily from one’s diet, but from pensiveness–or rather, obsession
Constantly throwing fuel (thoughts) on the fire (mind) consumes the Stomach