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Mystic Matcha

Mystic Matcha (Organic Bolivian Coca Leaf Powder) Smooth matcha like taste and loaded with massive phytonutrients and nutritional abundance! 

The coca leaf used for this medicine is considered one of the highest wisdom plants in herbal and shamanic traditions. It is traditionally given to young men as a sign of apprenticeship and rite of passage into manhood. It is believed this plant medicine enables a person to make wise decisions, and support the transition into adulthood. It can be used for creative work such as writing, playing music, and opening a person to blocked emotions. It is said to protect people against certain forms of destructive energy.

Mystic Matcha is an incredible medicine for people who have trouble expressing themselves to other people, healing heartbreak, working with depression, learning the art of communication, and those who struggle with concentration. Lastly, It can support the reduction of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms from opioid addiction.


Identified early on as a medicine of the speech, Mystic Matcha supports the smooth flow and eloquence of vocal expression, stimulating wonderful conversation and insight through connecting the heart with the throat chakra. It contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, D. E, and nutrients such as protein and fiber. Mystic Matcha contains almost 6 times the protein per gram as red meat!


Nutritional Profile:

100 grams of Mystic Matcha contains:

· Carbohydrates (44.3 g)

· Protein (19.9 g)

· Fat (3.3 g)

· Fiber (14.2 g)

· Vitamin A (10,000 – 14,000 IU)

· Vitamin B1 (0.58 – 0.68 mg)

· Vitamin B2 (1.73 mg)

· Vitamin B6 (0.58 mg)

· Vitamin C (1.4 – 53 mg)

· Vitamin D (trace amounts)

· Vitamin E (16.72 mg)

· Calcium (990.18 – 1749 mg)

· Copper (1.1 mg)

· Iron (26.8 – 45.8 mg)

· Magnesium (197 – 225 mg)

· Phosphorus (637 mg)

· Zinc (2.63 – 3.8 mg)


Benefits of Mystic Matcha Include:

- Expanded awareness + Insight

- Digestion Support

- Alleviation of Menstrual Cramps

- Oxygen Circulation to Cells, Blood Vessels, and Brain.

- Mood lift

- Improvement in Cognitive Functioning

- Opening of the Throat Chakra and Expression

- Creativity

- Concentration,

- Regulation of Blood pressure (High or low)

- Motivation and Energy

- Alleviation of Nausea and Altitude Sickness


Energy Exchange:

  • 25 grams -$70

  • 50 grams - $110

  • 100 grams - $185

  • 250 grams - $290

  • 500 grams - $385

  • 1000 grams - $610

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